Your Move


Tel: 01908 366366
Fax: 01908 375223

YOUR MOVE is the sixth largest estate agency network in the UK today and although its core business is seen as residential property services it also offers mortgage and remortgage services plus value for money protection products for you, your family and your home. In addition, in the South of England, customers can also take advantage of the service offered by the YOUR MOVE Lettings Division which currently operate from over 30 YOUR MOVE branches.

The business was originally set up in the late 1980s by well known UK insurers, General Accident. By 1989, GA Property Services (latterly trading as General Accident Property Services) owned 69 estate agencies and in 1995, the surveying division of GAPS became a separate company -GA Valuation and Survey (GAVS).

In November 1999, following the General Accident and Commercial Union merger, GAPS rebranded to YOUR MOVE and GAVS rebranded to e.surv.

Recent development by the company has been the movement into the Overseas Property market and the establishment of a Franchising Division.

YOUR MOVE has certainly established itself as a major force in the estate agency market and, as a founder member of the Ombudsman for Estate Agents, is also leading the way in protecting the interest of its customers at the same time.